Μετάβαση στο κύριο περιεχόμενο

Founded in 1974 by Nazi spy Constantine Caramanlis

Eleven months have elapsed since the Greek people entrusted me with the running of Greece. I was asked to stop the downward spiral to catastrophe, to change tack. Over these eleven months we have been faced with the most serious crisis ever faced by Greece in its recent history. We have spared no effort over the past eleven months; we have waged a titanic battle to save our country from what a few months ago seemed inevitable – the bankruptcy of Greece.

For many it was not a case of `if' but `when'. However, with all Greeks rallying forces, with hard endeavour and effort, with sacrifices – we have been able to turn the tide of what was considered inevitable both inside and outside of Greece. Despite all predictions, even today of those biding their time, of those who want or wanted to harm our international standing, we have succeeded, we will succeed, and we will go forward. Our nation, Greece, will go forward.

Venitis points out Nea Democratia, the most corrupt political party on Earth, is the conservative party of Greece. Founded in 1974 by Nazi spy Constantine Caramanlis, Nea Democratia formed the first cabinet of the Third Greek Republic. The Nea Democratia government was uncontrollably looting Greece with myriad scandals from 2004 to 2009. Nea Democratia is now the main opposition party in the Greek Parliament after its smashing defeat in the 2009 Greek elections in which it recorded its historical lowest percentage of votes 33.5%. A recent venitist poll shows the party is now supported only by 15% of the Greek voters! For all practical purposes Nea Democratia is dead. Good riddance!

During the Nea Democratia years there was sadly a culture of wild and reckless spending and corruption by government ministries and quangos. If an individual had run up debts so irresponsibly they would face legal consequences. Neodemokleptocrats went on a spending spree with no thought for the cost. No thought for the consequences of their myriad scandals. No thought for the future generations who would have to pick up the bills. Quite frankly, they didn't give a damn. Because after all, it wasn't their money. It was the Greeks' money.

Since coming to power and looking at the books, Pasok ministers have asked each other Why did they behave so badly. Why did Neodemocrats do it? The answer is really simple. Because they could, and because they enjoyed immunity. By running up colossal debts on the nation's credit card, by robbing the Treasury, and receiving myriad kickbacks. Impunity galore!

Venitis asserts what Neodemokleptocrats did to the Greek people is frankly criminal. Do they regret it? Have they apologized? Will they promise not to do it again? Not at all. The fact is that Nea Democratia is in complete denial about its legacy. Costas Caramanlis, the most corrupt politician on Earth, has not said a single word yet! Neodemokleptocrats are scraping around for someone else to blame.

They blame the recession. But they grew the deficit during the good years. They blame the global downturn. They are blaming the bad Pasok. They are blaming everyone and anyone, except themselves. Neodemokleptocrats are simply in denial. They absolutely refuse to face up to the harm they have caused. And surely until they admit their guilt they can never be trusted. The fact is that Nea Democratia is not fit to criticize, until it comes to terms with its role in what went wrong.

The first thing Neodemokleptocrats should do is apologize to the Greek people. Say sorry to the nation for the way they wasted money and the myriad kickbacks they received. Because their incompetence and corruption is going to hit every Greek's pocket. Their imprudence is the reason why some public sector jobs will go. Their irresponsibility is the cause of the spending cuts. Their scandals is the reason of the low national character and the fact that Greece is now considered the most corrupt country on Earth. If and when they apologize, it's only fair those Neodemocrats directly responsible should share some of the pain. At least one hundred Neodemokleptocrats should go to jail and their assets confiscated.

In 2004 we held 37th place in world ranking for competitiveness. According to recent data, Greece has slipped to 83rd position; we have dropped 46 places in terms of our competitiveness as a nation.

Last year, just ahead of national elections I severely criticised the former government, but even that seemed too mild to describe what Greece has ultimately been through.

All this culminated in the major crisis which brought us to the brink of destruction and the Greeks to the abyss of protracted poverty. Not only in the sense of economic austerity, but also severe suffering. This is what we would have had to face, this is the crisis we were called upon eleven months ago to manage.

Stefan Manos, leader of Drasis, the libertarian party of Greece, points out the economic tragedy unfolding in Greece is the welfare state taken to its logical conclusion. When groups of people use the state to live at the expense of others, the feedback loop about the costs of those transfers is attenuated, often by design. The welfare state therefore makes commitments that it cannot honor. By the time creditors or taxpayers say Enough, the welfare state has created a clash between expectations and means that leads to unrest and hardship, a clash that never had to occur.

Today we find ourselves in a period of transition. This is not an easy transition at all. I know this full well; I know the problems and difficulties. But this is the transition we need; no matter how painful; this is the birth that will engender a different Greece.

Basil Venitis muses that singer Anna Vissi, born in 1957, is the most admired person in Greece, whereas the most contemptible ape is Costas Caramanlis. Abolishing kleptocracy in modern Greece will prove even more futile than the famous search by Diogenes for an honest man in Ancient Greece. Greece is George Orwell's Dystopia with the four infamous ministries, Minitrue(Education), Miniluv(Police), Miniplenty(Economy), and Minipax(Defense).

Many ask me the following: `Do the Greeks have any right to hope?' My answer to this is that not only do we have the right but also every reason to hope. We are here, with each and every one of you that wants to change our country to build a better future together, a future with opportunities and potential – and I firmly believe in our strength.


Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις από αυτό το ιστολόγιο

Αναξίμανδρος (610-540 π.X.)

Γέννηση, θάνατος, άπειρο », 23 Μαΐου 2011 Επιστήμες / Μορφές της Επιστήμης & της Τεχνολογίας   Αναπληρωτής καθηγητής Ιστορίας και Φιλοσοφίας της Αστρονομίας και των Φυσικών Επιστημών - Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών Στράτος Θεοδοσίου Στην φιλοσοφία του Αναξίμανδρου, το άπειρο, που ήταν αθάνατον και ανώλεθρον, ήταν η πρωταρχική κοσμική ουσία από την οποία απορρέουν τα πάντα και στην οποία τελικά επιστρέφουν τα πάντα. Από αυτό γεννιούνταν και σε αυτό επέστρεφαν αλληλοδιαδόχως άπειροι κόσμοι. των Στράτου Θεοδοσίου, επίκουρου καθηγητή, και Μάνου Δανέζη , αναπληρωτή καθηγητή, Τμήμα Φυσικής – Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και Milan Dimitrijevic , Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Serbia Την ίδια εποχή με τον Θαλή έδρασε, επίσης στην Μίλητο, ο μαθητής και διάδοχος στην Σχολή του, ο Αναξίμανδρος (610-540 π.X.), ο οποίος, όπως παραδέχονται όλοι οι μελετητές εκείνης της περιόδου, ήταν ισάξιος του διδασκάλου του και ο πρώτος που μαζί

Είχε Δίκιο η Αντιγόνη ή ο Κρέων;

Επανερχόμαστε   στα παλιά ερωτήματα. Είχε άραγε κάπου δίκιο η Αντιγόνη (ή εξ ολοκλήρου δίκιο); Και είχε άραγε ο Κρέων κάποιο άδικο (ή εξ ολοκλήρου άδικο); Δεν είναι βέβαιο ότι αυτά είναι τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα ερωτήματα που θα μπορούσε κανείς να θέσει για το έργο, τουλάχιστον έτσι ωμά διατυπωμένα. Ή μάλλον θα μπορούσε ο Σοφοκλής ο ίδιος να τα έχει κάνει πιο ενδιαφέροντα —και πιο δύσκολα— όμως οι επιλογές του ήταν άλλες. Υπήρχε σύγκρουση —μια σύγκρουση εγελιανού τύπου— μεταξύ των δικαιωμάτων της οικογένειας και των δικαιωμάτων της πολιτείας. Και αρχικά φαίνεται σαν ο Σοφοκλής να πρόκειται να αναπτύξει το έργο του με βάση αυτή τη σύγκρουση, όταν η Αντιγόνη εμφανίζεται στον Πρόλογο του δράματος προσηλωμένη ειδικά στην οικογένεια και έκδηλα αδιάφορη απέναντι στην πολιτεία, ενώ ο Κρέων με το διάγγελμα του αμέσως μετά την Πάροδο (πολύ σημαντική τοποθέτηση σε αρχαίο ελληνικό δράμα) αναλαμβάνει τη θέση του εκφραστή της πόλεως, με την έκκληση έξαφνα που απευθύνει να υποταχθούν οι προσωπικέ

O ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΔΗΣ: Ο άνθρωπος μετά το θάνατό του δεν περνά στην ανυπαρξία, ο νεκρός δεν είναι «μηδέν», αλλά μετέχει στο «είναι» έχει την ικανότητα να αισθάνεται και αναμένει (μέσω της μετεμψύχωσης) την επιστροφή του στον ορατό κόσμο.

O ΠΑΡΜΕΝΙΔΗΣ Ο Παρμενίδης ήταν αρχαίος Έλληνας φιλόσοφος. Γεννήθηκε στην Ελέα της Μεγάλης Ελλάδας στα τέλη του 6ου αι. π.Χ., σε ένα περιβάλλον επηρεασμένο από τις απόψεις του Πυθαγόρα και του Ξενοφάνη. Θεωρείται η πλέον πρωτότυπη μορφή της προσωκρατικής σκέψης. Σε αντίθεση με τους Ίωνες φυσιολόγους δεν αναζητά την ενότητα του κόσμου σε μια φυσική ουσία, αλλά στην ίδια την «οντότητα» των πραγμάτων που μας περιβάλλουν, στο είναι όλων των όντων και όλων των πραγμάτων. Ο Παρμενίδης εκθέτει τη φιλοσοφία του σε έμμετρο λόγο (δακτυλικό εξάμετρο), επιθυμώντας πιθανώς να την παρουσιάσει ως αποτέλεσμα θείας αποκάλυψης. Στο προίμιο του ποιήματoς περιγράφεται το ταξίδι του ποιητή πάνω σε άρμα, καθοδηγούμενο από κόρες του ΄Ηλιου σε μια ανώνυμη θεά. Ακολουθεί η Αλήθεια, στην οποία μιλά η θεά επιχειρώντας μια προσέγγιση της καρδιάς της αλήθειας.     «αλλά ωστόσο θα μάθεις και τούτο, πως τα δοκούντα θα έπρεπε να είναι απολύτως δεκτά, όλα δεκτά στο σύνολό τους ως όντα». Παρουσιάζοντας τα φα